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Women Trouble



Despite my recent trend of staying bed, I slid out from under the piled insulation into the cold bedroom for an earlier start at the sunday library session. Unusually for sunday there was activity out back. In the yard a large white van burbled past and off down the alleyway.


This sunday is a day that doesn't seem to know what it wants to inflict on Swindon. The pavement is damp, the sky a dreary grey with occaisional sunny spells, and there's a mood of let's get on with another sunday no matter how boring it is.


Naturally enough then the crowd was building up in the library foyer for the ritual opening of the gates. BFL was. She's a regular these days, and I have to say, probaly the most consistently annoying person ever born.


She sat down to book a computer upstairs. This is something she's done many, many times before, yet failed compl;etely this morning. "Oh I'm not having much luck yoday." She announced.


In fact, part of her annoying character is the constant loud commentary she provides to everything she does. It's as if we all have to be interested in the minutae of her existence. A rather public spirited schoolgirl of asian origin spotted her mistake, and very kindly began to correct BFL's error.


"Don't want to be rude," BFL snarled, "But go away. It's none of your business."


Oh? Really? I thought the public service announcements were for a purpose? And indeed they were. The young security guard, D, emerged from his hidey hole and was immediately pounced on by BFL, who is now on first name terms with him whether the unfortunate lad likes it or not. She positively fawned and stroked him. Ugh. I mean, she's old enough to be his granny. But of course, she got her way, and D booked her computer slot for her.


That it? Happy now? Almost. She was also keen to be first through the door. Trouble is she took the lift which meant we all arrived ahead of her. Some people never learn.


Oops of the Week

I got a letter yesterday. There's been some doubt raised concerning the validity of my jobsearch.


This always happens. As soon as there's any trust established, as soon as you think everyones happy you're contientiously seeking gainful employment, they land a blow on you like this. Strictly speaking they could stop my money without so much as a by or leave.


What did I do wrong? Or more to the point, what didn't I do? I don't know. My life is a whirlwind of applications and emails. Or maybe the big boss lady at the job centre has decided it's my turn to have my head ground down by high heels.


What? Again?


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