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Profit And Loss



Last year I attended a programme designed to teach jobseekers how to go about searching for a job. Yes, it really was that banal. The course was aimed at young people who had never worked before in their lives so for me, it was like being back at infants school.


One of the lads on the course at the same time was LB, whose penchant for stopping at Greggs (A high street bakery) o the way meant he never, and I mean never, arrived on time, though in fairness his light hearted attitude toward life meant he never would have any intention on being punctual. He really is someone who will be late for his own funeral.


I bumped into him the other morning. That's the first time we've met since last year, and a cheery hello was exchanged. It turns out he's back on the same course again., or at least, when he can be bothered to turn up. And last night? I hear on the news that business at Greggs is rising. Kell soopreez...


Caldrail Has Left The Building

There is some excitement to report. Now libraries aren't known for high octane fast paced thrills and spills but yesterday as I went about my daily internetting a loud beeping noise interrupted my comatosed mouse-clicking. A small red light flashed from the ceiling. Everyone looked up and waited for someone else to react first. Luckily Dragon Lady was on hand to tell us the fire alarm was sounding and urged us in her very own special way to leave by the nearest exit immediately, and if anyone wasn't sure what was going on, a disembodied robotic voice repeated the insistent order over the tannoy.


Gosh. That was exciting. Can we do that again?


Slight Obstacle

As if a fire alarm wasn't enough excitment for one day, I turned up at the Programme Centre to use their facilities and I was stopped at the foyer by one of the ladies, who told me the internet wasn't working. Sorry.


Internet not working? But... But... Erm... Oh no. My little world is collapsing around my ears. Or maybe it hasn't. Ahh, now you thought I was not going to be able to carry on, but no, wait and see. I have another card in the deck.


Slighty Bigger Obstacle

I'll use my telephone. Didn't expect that, did you? I'll just phone Jobseeker Direct and get them to do a search for me... Dialling... The menunsystem is starting up but from experience I know I need only press '2' twice and wait for a personal response...


"This is Jobseeker Direct, Tracey speaking, how can I help?"


Oh hi. I'd like a job search please.


"I'm sorry, we don't do that any more. Try your local job centre. Have a nice day."




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