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Same Old News



Sunday is living up to its name. A bright morning and suprisingly not too cold, even with the frost obscuring the pavement in the shade of the old college. Perhaps the new shopping mall development planned for that site, assuming they actually get around to it and find businesses still left open to operate from the premises, will have the benefit of ridding us of this frost trap. Good thing too, I say. I can't even begin to count all the times I've done my trademark 'Oh no - I'm slipping on frosty pavement' routine.


That said, I think I'm getting used to living in cold temperatures. There was a documentary on the Blitz a while back which featured a veteran of the time pointing at the interviewer and saying with great cockney conviction "You can get used to anything!"


I suspect that's true of survivors, but that goes for any trial or tribulation in life. The reality is that living in the cold reduces my activity a great deal. With continued good health as much as comfort to worry about, I've been spending more time staying warm than anything productive, though getting about on my jobsearch has certainly kept me from freezing up altogether.


So it's great to see some sunshine. It really is. Except I'm sat at a computer with the sun on my back. No, it's no good, I'm going to have to draw the blinds...


And In Other News

According to the local newspaper...


MOTORISTS will not see a reduction in car park costs in Swindon, despite the Government announcing local councils should entice shoppers with cheaper Parking.


That says it all really. Maybe our new shopping centre won't appear in too much of a hurry after all, especially the government have conveniently forgotten they now charge us more to shop, more to drive, and as soon as the countries finances pick up a little, they'll all be finding ways to squeeze money out of the system angain. After all, they can always charge more tax, can't they? Or are they going to leave us enough to pay our bills this time?


News of the Week

The time has come for the world to have another great conflict or scandal. I know this to be true because soap operas are starting to fill up the headlines, always a sign of journalistic desperation. Actors are leaving the show, actors are being bumped off in dramatic virtual murders and accidents, and I'm supposed to care. It's sunny this morning. Time to get out and about. Much more interesting than bad accents and over-inflated story lines, don't you think?


Stand by, world, Caldrail is on his way. Not quite news of the week perhaps, but as far as I'm concerned, hugely more world shaking than another departure from the ranks of virtual personalities on my television screen.


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