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Six Of The Best



Just a moment ago I was browsing the local newspapers local hiustory page. It's a regular feature in which we learn fascinating trivia about life in Swindon in times gone by. I was a little suprised by todays entry, concerning the result of bad behaviour in a late victorian school.


Some lads had misbehaved and received corporal punishment for their misdemeanours. The parents complained and the kids got thrown out, getting their revenge by pelting the headmaster with vegetables and threatening to use stones. And I thought such things were only happening today!


The interesting fact though that was while the parents were exactly like modern ones, disbelieving their little angels could warrant such disciplinary treatment, the official record of the punishment meted out was quite tame. When I was a schoolchild, 'getting the cane' was a rigid, inflexible, and extremely painful punishment. I remember one boisterous lad emerging from the headmasters office looking on the verge of bursting into tears. Personally I never suffered such treatment, being somewhat better able to avoid getting caught and if I were honest, being mischievious rather than naughty.


What a fascinating insight into the previous turn of the century. It just goes to show people never change.


And Today Is?

Todays weather report is entirely predictable. Have a guess. Go on, don't be shy, just imagine what weather Swindonis getting right now...


Yes, you're right, unless you chose any weather other than rain in which case you clearly don't know anything about Swindon and need to read my blog more thoroughly. Shame on you. Report to Caldrails office for six of the best.


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