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Be Nice To Wednesday



After nearly half a century I've come to the conclusion that Wednesday is the worse day of the week. You're still traumatised by Monday, bored by Tuesday, payday is tomorrow, and you can't spend it until Friday. Last weekend is now a fleeting memory and the next one is too far away.


As if being a cold, grey, and damp morning to start with was not enough, I forgot the Job Centre is closed for an hour for staff meetings when I should be signing on. Once again I burst through the doors bleary eyed to realise I'm facing a sign that politely informs me that I'm too early. Given how chilly it was outside, I decided to wait in the foyer for an hour.


Upstairs, once Security had announced that we were allowed to go about our official business, I sat down and waited for another hour while other dole seekers got all the attention. Have I been sent to coventry? Is this some machivellian plot to put me in my place after my robust defence of my title yesterday? Apparently not. It was simply another symptom of Wednesday.


The reason I'm bleary eyed is of course the nocturnal activities of youths who rather like my white Eunos convertible and decide driving it around a bit would be a jolly wheeze. Now obviously the young man was too polite to disturb my slumber at that early hour, and so ventured to take the vehicle quietly. Unfortunately, Wednesday morning affected him too, because he wasn't able to fulfill his driving fantasies.


"I told you you weren't going to be able to drive it." Said his mate (the reason I woke and realised they were there) who had enough of a brain to realise that a hood ripped in two places and covered in black tape that wafts gently in the breeze, not to mention a gaping hole where a drivers side window once was, or the mind control unit that replaces the missing steering wheel, means that the car is not available for theft. A true veteran of Wednesdays, obviously.


A part of me wants to be positive about Wednesday. After the low point of the wekk, surely things can only get better? Never mind we're due another arctic blast from the north tomorrow, because that's tomorrow and we can't blame Wednesday for that. Well we shall see. After all it's just turned mid-day, so who knows? Maybe if I speak nicely to it Wednesday will go away.


Quote of the Week

"You're not your usual self today" Observed my claims advisor this morning. Yes, you're probably right, but then it is Wednesday... Ooops. That's blown it...


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