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Smiles And Trials



After a week of intensive forklifting that saw me spending most of it twiddling my thumbs in a dingy office, I can finally relax a little. Truth is I'm shocked how tiring I found it. Getting up early, walking to and fro from work, leaping on and off heavy and potentially dangerous industrial machinery, and worst of all, braving the queues at the local fast food takeaways for lunch.


KFC weren't bad I suppose. They did point me toward the 'loser corner' seeing as I look like a neanderthal in a high viz vest, but there you go. Not cheap. I had no recourse but to opt for their bargain snackbox. Three bites and you're done. I can see why they make a profit. If only it didn't taste so good. Surely this can't be all that bad for you? I mean, the meat is real, isn't it?


McDonalds aren't that much different except the lady behind the counter clearly didn't like the look of me. She simply bundled the food in a bag, thrust it across the counter, and gave a weak smile as if to tell me it was time to leave. Their deli's aren't bad, but what on earth happened to their burgers? I remember the last time I ate one and it wasn't that bad. This was truly awful, a tiny sponge bun containing something that looked like fired carpet, with a coating of yellow sludge and dead tomatoes. Not really appetising. But that's what you get for their bargain burgers for a pound. You want the good stuff?


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