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Tooth And Claw



Oh no! I've been so wrapped up in an interview this morning I've forgotten to do any job searching! Heresy! I'll be rendered destitute if the Job Centre finds that out (Please don't tell anyone).


With that minor disaster in mind I popped straight down to the library for a frantic internet browse of the job sites. The library is often crowded at lunchtime, and sure enough, not a free screen to be had. I'll have to book one. None of the computers have got a two hour slot available for the next three hours, so it'll have to be an even more frantic search in half the time. Which computer?... Decisions... Decisions... Oh, I'll book this one. It's a quiet spot by a window.


I got down there and found the desk cluttered with a pile of personal possession belonging to someone else. Have I got the right computer? Yes, my name is showing on the screen. I'll just move all this rubbish to one side so I can get on...


"Excuse me!" Called an irate lady from the helpdesk. "I'm going to use that computer."


Oh no you're not, I replied, and continued to shovel her belongings aside. How can one person carry so much garbage? What's it all for? No, don't ask, it's none of my business.


"Don't touch my stuff!" She yelled. I took no notice. I've booked a computer and she can darn well accept I'm going to clear the desk. She rushed over and repeated her annoyed command. I simply advised her that that all I was doing was moving the 'stuff' to one side. Having no choice but to accept my boorish dominance of the desk, she grumbled and gathered the mountain of 'stuff', moving back to the helpdesk where Dragon Lady awaited her complaint.


Of course Dragon Lady swept her argument aside like the true scottish lady that she is. Good for you, dear. But she still made a caustic joke at my expense as she walked past on another customers errand. Thanks for that. Can I get on with my job search now?


Save The Tiger

The television advert makes it all very clear. From around a hundred thousand tigers living in the wild a century ago, we're now down to four thousand, and they're still dwindling. It's a great shame, of course, and in spirit I support the efforts to preserve the wonderful beast.


I had to laught though. The advert, in an effort to get the public to part with cash to help save the tigers, offered a cute cuddly tiger toy. Pardon? What's cuddly about a tiger? It's a dangerous carnivore twice my weight and strength. It could rip me to pieces if it wanted. What a silly thing to offer. As if I wanted a cuddly toy at all. I'd far rather have the real tiger as a pet, then at least burglars would be eaten. Hiow about that for saving a tiger? A good home, free food, and it helps law and order at the same time.


You Started It!

I just caught the news that North Korea has been shelling an island belonging to their democratic neighbour. Well, after supplying their armed forces with twelve thousand artillery pieces to threaten the border with the south, I suppose it was only a matter of time before North Korea decided to try them out.


It's all a stunt though. Prod the south and claim you're defending yourself? Just another tactic to sustain the fantasy world of the dictatorship. The trouble is, all this sabre rattling is costing lives, and if my instincts are proven correct, there's going to be a much bigger casualty list before they're finished.


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