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Don't really have much to say about the last twenty four hours. It might not suprise anyone acquainted with British weather, but this morning is a dull and wet day. Even the library is quiet and well behaved.


Oh yes... I forgot... I had my pocket picked yesterday. I hope the thief enjoys the tenner he took from me and please don't feel bad about letting me starve for the week.


Oh Yeah... That Wedding...

I suppose it's inevitable that our royal family occaisionally do something the media can't criticise them for. Most of you have probably seen the news already. It is pretty much inescapable. I'm sure the couple are happy and i wish them well, but other than that I don't care and if you'll excuse me, I'm going to wander off and find something interesting to discuss.


The Taxman Gives Up

Is the British economy teetering on the brink? The media says yes, the government say no. Not really sure who's the least truthful of those two, but certainly our countries coffers aren't in good shape at all. That explains my mirth this morning as I read the Inland Revenue & Customs have decided to write off loads of tax bills for 2006/7 because they got it wrong.


Sadly this errors don't apply to me, and I remain well and truly taxed.


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