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Bangs And Rattles



My neighbour was not happy. He left for work this morning by slamming the door, which results in the house moving slightly. Seriously, it does, you can actually feel the movement caused by air pressure.


Not only that, but passing lorries on the road outside make the house shake. Worse still, the vibration causes my bedroom door to rattle, and that, I suspect, is what kept my neighbour awake and got him all riled up. Even my usual strategem of wedging a plastic bag under door made no difference. The brassy rattle kept on sounding.


As it happens, I do have some sympathy. It kept me awake too.


Rushing About

Another rainy day. This morning I got up a little late and realised to my horror that I'd forgotten to fill in my jobsearch booklet last night. Why is it that when you're in a hurry, the human bladder refuses to empty? Come on! Come on!....


So I rushed down to the Job Centre braving the nasty weather. Thankfully the rain wasn't that heavy, but it certainly wasn't fun. Then again, attendance at the Job Centre never is. Some claims advisors really don't like happy claimants. It's a sign that life is too easy and they start all sorts of machinations to wipe that smile off your face.


On the plus side, I was rescued this morning. A good natured claims Advisor, Mr T, has taken me onto his caseload again. I have to say he's polite, helpful, and doesn't display the wicked satisfaction many advisors show when their customer is squirming under scrutiny.


talking of which, I'm die to be placed under scrutiny shortly. An interview with Customer Compliance no less. Do I really need to describe what's going to happen? According to Mr T, a few claimants have had their money stopped already. Nothing to worry about, he tells me.


Big Bangs

I hear on the news that the Hadron Collider in Switzerland has succcesfully recreated little 'big bangs'. Actually it didn't. It simply reproduced for a brief instant conditions that existed moments after the Big Bang had happened. Not that I'm worried of course, but creating a new Big Bang isn't likely to teach us much, because the last one caused an explosion whose debris is now spread across countless light years of space.


Funny thing really. I spent my childhood living under the threat of soviet nuclear missiles, now I live under the threat that some scientist might light a bigger firework than he intended.


I wonder? Is all this quantum research going to do anything useful? Like cure the rattle on my bedroom door?


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Is all this quantum research going to do anything useful? Like cure the rattle on my bedroom door?


Your question is moot, Lord Caldrail.


Whilst you're out at the library/job centre/other bit of Swindon, the bedroom door is both in a state of rattling AND in a state of having been fixed. It will resolve itself to one or the other only when you return home and observe it.

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Ah yes. If there is no neighbour to hear it, does the door rattle? That question has been debated by philosophers ever since the door was invented. I must err on the principle that the rattle is a natural consequence of impacts between brass components of the door handle resulting from vibration caused by heavy vehicles thundering up and down the hill outside, since sound is merely a vibration transmitted to the ear, a sensory adaption allowing us to interpret those vibrations as annoying rattles.


In other words, I hear rattles because I'm designed to. I must therefore blame God, because he claims the patent on our design. We are after all paying the price of the apple of knowledge. If Man was intended to have door handles, he would have made them as vibration-suppressant and a non-rattling material.


Sadly, I've just let the idea out of the bag, and by now, some avaricious capitalist is wringing his hands in joy at the possibility of extracting cash from our pockets in return for noiseless door handles. Only

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