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The warning had gone out last night that clear skies meant colder temperatures. No frost yet, but the drop was significant and it felt distinctly chilly as I strolled down the hill for my daily dose of thrills and spills at the library.


No, really, I had a ringside seat as the librarian ejected a bunch of youngsters from their chosen computers and told them to log on downstairs in the munchkin area. I tell you, it was a tense dramatic moment the likes of which we haven't seen since Maggie Thatcher upset the miners.


Someone's mobile phone has just started ringing. I don't fancy his survival chances much.


Mind you, the clear blue skies have gone. I've been here an hour and already the clouds have built up a grey and white blanket across the sky. The only splash of colour as I look out over the busy road junction outside is that new resteraunt over the chinese takeaway. Purple walls. Purple?. What were they thinking?


Todays Tarot

Never done this online before, but just for a laugh, I'll select my tarot cards and have the website give me the low down on what might happen today!


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Today, you


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