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Music To My Ears



One of the advantages of digital broadcasts in the media is that you can watch television on your computer. I was doing that long before Windows 7 came out, so I'm afraid the young lady claiming on the advert that she thought of watching television on her PC and Windows 7 was her idea is talking out of her script.


As I'm sure you're aware, staring vacantly at the screen while you rapidly page through the available channels is typical human behaviour. In a state of mental numbness I strayed into the radio channels. I don't bother listening to radio much these days. Current chart music is unbelievably dire. And so much of it is exactly the same as the one you heard before. Remember when the Top Forty contained music? Or do you not want to admit your age?


By chance I happened upon Absolute Radio who were doing an 80's program last night. I even forgive them for playing Fleetwood Mac Lookin' out for love. No, that's unfair, it was great to hear some of those old tunes get an airing. How can anyone get tired of Van Halen and their exuberant Jump? It certainly brought back some memories.


Hang on a minute... There was something missing...


Blast From The Past

Back in the eighties I played drums for Red Jasper, just in case anyone hasn't heard about that before. There was one time when we'd gotten a slot at the Mean Fiddler, a somewhat exclusive pub gig in London. That was a major stroke of good fortune for us and we were keen to make an impression. Sadly someone decided we weren't going to, and we barely survived the evening, mostly because the chaotic noise that was coming off the stage was beyond the London crowd's understanding. We understood only too well. It was deliberate sabotage by a sound engineer. Well, that's show business.


The following night was another gig in Bristol, our usual stomping ground. Tony and I had gone to a recording studio to collect our singer, who'd decided to leave long before we arrived, and so we made our way into Bristol with the car radio cutting into the irritated silence.


"I went to a gig at the Mean Fiddler last night." Said the radio DJ. What? You cannot be serious! Tony and I stared at the radio with open jaws, leaving the car on autopilot. Could this be our big break? A mention on national evening radio?


"Saw a really great band..." He continued. Yes? Yes? Please, just one mention... But no, he gave the name of the headlining band. NOOOOO!


To say we were gutted was an understatement. But of course that was the entire reason we were nobbled. Someone wanted that headline band to make the impression rather than us knowing full well a Radio One DJ was popping in. So, in order to observe some sense of balance, and to bring some justice to the corrupt world of popular music, I refuse point blank to tell the world who that headline band were.


Now I feel better. Especially since they failed too.


Advert of the Week

One of those cruise ship holidays was advertised last night. Six hundred pounds buys you a chance to live on a floating hotel for a week. Not only that, the holiday company added that they were throwing in a free weeks spending money.


Free spending money? I wonder who pays for that?


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