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Brittania Inferior Frigida Est!



Salvete Omnes!

I have returned from Vindolanda and Vercovicium with a massive portfolio of photographs. Dea Fortuna favoured the lone scout from UNRV moving quietly through the early morning mists to steal the images of the special places.I will spend some time editing and paring down , many of the shots I will load onto my own home site ( though its link is still defective) particularly the detailed "object" museum shots . For now I will post a couple of images in the miscellenia gallery .


There is a lot to tell you about the forts, the Wall and the items on display-never mind the wild beauty of the place.What impressed me was that Vindolanda has had at least five distinguishable wooden forts , and at least two episodes of stone construction/reconstruction from Flavian times to late third century. If you consider this length of time in relation to the history of some modern nations -and that Rome came to Briton relativley late -it is a sobering thing indeed.Vindolanda pre-dated the Wall but appears to have become an "offset" garisson base very close to Stonegate (the Military road below the Wall Vallum). A lot more to follow ...but I am weary...


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