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If You Go Down To The Sea Today



As if invasions of jellyfish weren't enough. Last night I caught a program on television where some ex-special forces guy zips into chainmail to film vicious gangs of humboldt squid.


Apparently these horrible little monsters are spreading like wildfire because they can. We haven't helped of course. I mean, we're always to blame, aren't we? Apparently our fishing habits have caught all the predators that eat squid, so now the little horrors don't have any competitors.


They are actually remarkable creatures. They can survive in low-oxygen waters deep beneath the surface. They have some of the fastest growing babies in nature. Although unproven, they seem to have some form of sign language (they can flash colour at each other), and certainly stalk their victims intelligently. Not only that, but this species has the thickest nerve fibres of any creature on Earth.


Now if only we could get squids and jellyfish to go to war against each other, mankind will be safe to paddle in the water between shark attacks.


Mad Dogs And Englishmen

As if getting stung to death by jellyfish, ripped apart by squid, or swallowed in several large pieces by shark wasn't bad enough, I see that half of britons are willing to risk getting sunburnt for the pleasure of cancer inducing suntans.


We just don't learn, do we? Only mad dogs and englishmen go out in the mid-day sun it seems. Or then again...


Out In The Mid-Day Sun

You have to laugh. Now the US mission in Iraq has come to end and everyone is cheerily going home, they still have fifty thousand advisors there to train the iraqi army. One to one tuition?


But maybe there's method to this madness. After all, when the squids finally learn how to eat navy seals in chainmail, America is gong to need every ally it can get. We'll be too busy getting suntanned on the beach.


Todays Activity

Wot a nice day. The sun is shining, the air is warm, the mood is pleasant, and it's nearly lunchtime. See ya later dudes.


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