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Nothing Better To Do



Today is Bank Holiday Monday. I can tell that because everyone is wandering about aimlessly. Small kids weave about main roads on bicycles shouting insults at drivers and pedestrians to prove their stature among their tribe. Ethnic inhabitants lean against the walls outside small shops with strange names, and a few of them hurl insults at passers-by, just for something to do.


I wandered around the old British Rail Social Club grounds this morning, just for something to do. It's fast disappearing. The sports field is now a meadow of thick grass and thorny bushes. Huge tumbles of foliage sprouting out of the tarmac car park. Piles of brick, rubble, and wood where buildings once stood. Metal posts and chicken wire fences marking out disused tennis courts. I took a few photographs and marvelled at how quickly nature reclaims the places we build on.


You might wonder why we're all so bored. There was a time when the Bank Holiday was an event. They always showed a James Bond movie for the adults, something cartoon for the kids. Now I flick through the channels and half of them are showing episodes of the same program, back to back. I mean, they're just not trying any more.


Anyone would think they've gone on holiday.


What Else?

I've done aimless wandering. I've done the shopping. What else is there to do today? Had I known, I could have popped down to Wroughton for a demonstration of English martial arts. The organisers insist there is such a thing, though I must admit I'd never realised that morris dancing was so violent.


Actually, I tell a lie, there is a demonstration of broadsword fighting going on too. Now if I could only find that mouthy little rascal who shouted at me this morning, they could put on live action beheadings. Let's see how justice was administered in the Middle Ages.


On the other hand, I see some people are resorting to some very strange things to pass the time. Like that woman cuaght on cctv dropping a cat into a wheelie bin, which apparently she thought was a fun thing to do.


Then there's that french guy who has become the worlds best at air guitar for the second year running. One wonders if maybe his time would be better spent actually learning to play one for real, but maybe that was too boring for him. There are some good guitar players out there already, so I guess that put him off a little.


There was a time when I used to get into a sports car and head off down to the airfield for an hour of magnificence in their flying machines. Not any more. Don't get me wrong, that sort of thing never bored me at all. I think it's just that other people got bored listening to me talking about it.


You know what? Being ordinary is soooo dull.


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