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Warm Weekend



Across the country, six million cars are parking themselves in traffic jams on their way to somewhere more expensive than usual. Yes, it's another Bank Holiday Weekend. For those of you who don't understand British culture, it's our way of imitating lemmings.


Traditionally the weather always rains on holiday weekends. It's as if the sum effect of all those car exhausts isn't carbon dioxide at all, but water, as the rainclouds make our intended holidays as miserable as possible - unless you happen to be at a music festival that is.


It really is a fine day out there. Yesterday tried to be, the sun fighting a life or death struggle with blanketing cloud and succeeding by evening. There was a noticeable change in the air last night as the sun emerged into a pale blue sky, low on the horizon, and lighting everything in golden tones. You could literally smell the warm air.


I know this sounds odd, but everyone seemed happy. The neighbours weren't arguing. Houses in the neighbourhodd with open windows and music turned down to a moderate level. Car drivers behaving politely toward pedestrians and letting us cross the road.


Or is that because all the idiots are away on holiday?


Chilling Out

The good weather on this Bank Holiday Weekend seems to be effecting other people too. Miners in Chile are trapped underground and may be there until christmas before rescuers can dig a tunnel to get them out. Yet on the news, they were happy, upbeat, and telling everyone not to worry.


I hope they get out okay. After all, the Bank Holiday Weekend doesn't last forever.


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