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It's Raining, It's Pouring



What a lovely morning this is. Was, I should say. Earlier today I strolled through Swindon and the weather was sunny, just a hazy wall of cloud on the horizon, or mybe a few small globular clouds trying to creep across England without being noticed. The high altitude cloud is now changing the blue sky to a dull white, and grey ragged clouds are advancing on my position. Another rainy day to come? Like yesterday?


Yesterday was one of those 'love it or loathe it but you can't beat it' kind of days. In other words, typical weather for Rainy Old Swindon. One minute it was a grey sweaty day, the next a chilly spray of water from darker clouds that just seem to appear out of nowhere. Strictly speaking I got wet again, but since this was heavy drizzle rather than heavy rain, it wasn't too bad.


That said, I had to stop under the cover of an awning at the supermarket while a raincloud dumped its load of water on the town. Finally I made the decision to trudge home, regardless of what drizzle was still remaining.


An old lady sheltering nearby said "Decided to brave it, have you?"


Ha ha ha. Yes I have. See you.


We've Been Warned

Floods in China. Then floods in Pakistan. Then floods in Europe. I wonder where all this rain is going next? No... Surely not....


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