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Making An Impression



With hundreds of thousands of years experience to fall back on, you would think that human beings would have learned by now. If you live near a river, you risk a flood. The problem of course is that river valleys and flood plains are usually the productive land going, so we take the risk, and in the years we don't get a problem, we soon forget about the risk.


Nonetheless, the recent floods in China and Pakistan must be tough to deal with. I can count myself as lucky in that respect. Floods in Swindon are never more than a minor problem these days, and since I live on a hill, I don't have that problem at all personally.


As if to underline the point, at lunchtime yesterday the approach of dark grey clouds cast such a shadow that you just knew it was going to rain. And it did. By british standards, it absolutely pelted down for ten or fifteen minutes, and to underline the severity of the weather, crackles and rumbles of thunder provided drama to the soundtrack.


The footage on television news shows bridges swept away by floodwater. It seems hardly credible that so much force is exerted, but I was watching out the back yard as the rain pummelled my area of Swindon yesterday. The water literally flowed across the yard. Not only that, it gouged long winding furrows in the gravel alleyway. Not a spectacular demonstration of natures power perhaps, but it made the point.


Hi There

You know what? I'd wondered if someone had made a discrete tip-off against me. Just lately I've been spotting individuals stood waiting at certain places, and the moment I appear, they start using a mobile phone. Actually there is something else that identifies them, but I'll keep quiet about that because I too want dole cheats taken out of circulation.


What am I thinking of? I apologise for my manners. I'll give you a cheery wave the next time I pass you by.


Oh and by the way - If you search my flat again, please remember to put things back the way they were. I like it that way. And I'll save you some effort since I'm in such a public spirited mood. I don't do drugs or illegal earnings. But hey, you can prove that if you really want to.


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