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In A Rush



Oh brilliant. I've got thirty minutes left on my computer slot to type this blog entry in. Everything I do these days is against the clock. Get to my daily signing on time... Fill in the online application before the screen closes to the default page.... Get home in time to see Star Trek.... An endless cycle of deadlines.


So, at least you'll be pleased to learn that todays blog entry won't cause the reader much of an obstacle to your schedule. As it happens, it's been a calm and quiet day. Met an old lady walking her greyhound earlier. She lives in the New Forest area, which means she certainly does like to exercise her dog. That said, she is here on business, and I came across her while she took time out from her business meeting to go walkies. Nice lady. We had a great little conversation about things canine.


There you go. Short and sweet. You can all go back to whatever you were doing before. Except me, as I still have to find a job thus my routine isn't going to change until the government says so. On my emails I've already had two rejections. Good grief, I only applied for those three hours ago. Looks they have tight deadlines too. Golf can be so demanding.


Well that's all I have time for today. I must remember to leave enough time to attend a seminar coming up in the next few weeks. 'How To Find A Job'. And according to the letter I got this morning, they're thrilled I'm coming along. As if I was given the choice. Oh well. Must rush. I have a diary to fill in.


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