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Not An Interesting Day



It's saturday morning. I write that just in case anyone reading this blog was unaware of that fact. No, let's be honest, I'm writing that because nothing is happening in Swindon right now. Some of you might argue that's always the case. Shame on you! We have a Pride of Swindon celebration coming up over the next few weeks. Even the park around the corner from me has staged a conga dance. Oh what fun they must have had. Rarely has Swindon been so ready to let its hair down and party on dude. Mostly we just get drunk and annoy everyone else at high volume.


That must explain why the library is so quiet. No-one is chatting into a mobile phone, no-one is drumming on the tables, and the librarian, a formidable lady of mature age, is so bored she's gone elsewhere. I think everyone must be suffering from hangovers, or at least that's my theory.



What else can I think of to write on this most boring of all days? I know - What am I having for lunch? Luckily my dinner today isn't boring at all, and since I'm fed up with pot noodles, I've splashed out a few quid on something edible instead. Rice and pasta with green peppers, mushrooms, mixed beans in chilli sauce, with fried chicken.


I can tell you're jealous.


Passing By

An aeroplane flew overhead while I was walking in Lawns yesterday. Not the stuff of national headlines perhaps, but it happened. There it goes... Droning away into the distance... Now I've run out of things to write about. Come on Swindon, do something!


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