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Text Editors Are Mightier Than The Sword



The pen is mightier than the sword. On the face of it, that's a silly thing to say. More than once I sat through a school assembly in bored silence while the headmaster gave yet another rendition of that parable. Even as a child I knew swords were painful. Pens? They just make a mess in your pocket and give the teachers an excuse to mark you down. Perhaps that's one reason why I used to pull the wool over my teachers eyes at every excuse. I once drew a diagram of the Mexican deployment at the Battle of the Alamo - complete fiction of course - and the normally suspicious history teacher was impressed. Hey! Maybe pens have their uses after all? Heh heh heh...


I could see the saga of my ailing bathroom light carrying on and on and on. It's no good, I'm going to have to resort to Text Editors of Mass Destruction. So in a state of some annoyance I typed out my letter of complaint, signed it, and passed it on to the letting agent. Yesterday afternoon an electrician called almost timed to the exact second. He stood at the doorway dedecked with tools and stepladders with a nervous smile. Poor chap was scared stiff for some reason.


The repair was over in seconds, with a short wait while he went away to get some replacement bits and pieces, and lo and behold my bathroom light functions again! Warm, creamy, visible light! My urge to hug and kiss the repair man has nothing to do with sexual tendencies but I suspect that was why he was nervous to begin with. Thank you Mr Repairman, thank you! Why are you running down the stairs?


Looking Good

I was practising keyboards the other day when a family group stopped by the traffic lights opposite my home to cross the road. A young lady was decked out in military cammo gear. I think she was a little young for army service so I assume she was a cadet, but she did look good in that stuff. Err, I mean, she looked smart.. A credit to her unit... Excuse me a moment, I'm going to take advantage of the bathroom light repair and take a quick cold plunge before I start typing love letters. You just know that will all end in tears.


Buzzing Around

A thin, nasty, high pitched drone was very audible. It sounded a bit like those radio control aeroplanes. I looked around for the source of the noise and there. wafting loudly through the sky, was an autogyro. You don't see many of those flying. All it needed was a 'James Bond' soundtrack and a few explosions. Must type a letter to the manufacturers... Please make autogyro's more exciting.


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