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Don't Go There



Don't go looking for treasure in Swindon. That's the official word from the authorities. Not because you won't find anything, but because you might. It turns out that a burglar got away with more than four thousand pounds from a community centre and buried his stash in the woodland along a river that runs down the back of Liden estate.


He was of course somewhat worse for suspicious substances when he hid his ill gotten gains, so now he's been apprehended and sobered up, he hasn't the slightest idea where the money is. The authorities, who are keen for the public not to go looking for it, have told the public that money is buried there. Oh by the way, the money belongs to the insurance company, so no sneaking out there with a shovel, okay?


My Stars

The sun is pushing you to the fore. But this may require you to step outside your comfort zone.


Comfort zone? What comfort zone? To be honest, I'm not finding life all that comfortable right now, and as I sit here at a library computer, I've got two asian gentlemen chanting incoherently in the next cubicle. That is so annoying! I feel the urge to lift a baseball bat. Must be the suns influence...


Keeping Up With The Caldrails

There's a new lord in Swindon. No, not me, I've been there for five months or so already, though I do seem to have started a trend. This one's Lord of North Swindon and Woodside Park. I see he's a former Minister of Parliament. Oh dear, has he lost his job? Well I hope he doesn't have to claim benefits from the Department of Work and Pensions Job Centre in Swindon any time soon. They don't like noble titles in there.


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