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Conquer In The Name Of



Some ago a religious leader decided that nations should submit to the authority of his faith. National leaders who opposed his initiatives were blacklisted, denied their spiritual welfare. The common people were enticed to believe without question what their priests were telling them. It all happened nine hundred years ago and resulted in the first crusades.


Sometimes I watch Russia Today on television. Not because of any communist sympathy, but simply because you get a different viewpoint than the western media and some very interesting mini-documentaries about various issues. Last night they did one about christian fundamentalism. I've been warning people about that on the internet for more than a decade. It seems one chap called Adams has done the same to a larger audience for quarter of a century. He referred to them as christian fascists. It's a very apt description.


We're living in the final days before eternity?

Implicit in modern christian fundamentalism is the idea that Jesus is cioming back, his arrival is imminent, and that the faithful will ascend to heaven and leave us poor sinners behind to suffer all manner of nasty 'orrible things. These ideas are nothing new. Religious cults have been prophesying messiahs and paradise for a very long time throughout history, and it seems there's a large part of society that finds itself easily swayed by these emotional calls for obedience.


There's a company in America called Left Behind Inc. They have an annual turnover of millions of dollars, based on the message that if you don't sign up for Jesus, you will be left behind when this supposed great day occurs. Some are even beginning to say that christians can influence when Jesus returns. The Book of Revelations is paraded in front of us with dire warnings about what is to come. And of course, promises of nice things if you sign up. Christianity hasn't changed since the Middle Ages. It still wants emotional and political power, and works toward that end.


It comes as no suprise to me that the Pope has been embarrased by revelations of child abuse amongst his priests, or that a bible bashing right wing preacher was uncovered as a closet homosexual. Hang on a moment... If these people are saying one thing and doing another - isn't that breaking their own Ten Commandments? If they're revealed as sinners, will they be left behind when Jesus drops by to collect his faithful? Or does keeping quiet guarantee your seat on the bus to paradise?


Sorry, but Jesus is dead. The Romans executed him. It says so in the Bible. Contrary to christian dogma there's no evidence that bodies can come back to life. Nor is their any convincing argument in favour of reincarnation. Nor is their any evidence whatsoever that our modern era is any worse than others in history, and no reason to believe that the call to arms against the Romans written in Nero's day by a Jewish refugee has any relevance whatsoever to our time. But then, people do like myths and prophecies.


Jesus - Man Or Messiah?

I'm sorry. I just cannot believe Jesus was anything other than an ordinary if charismatic and misguiding person. Some time ago I passed a preacher in the street. "Jesus led a perfect life!" He proclaimed. Has he ever read the Bible? Jesus comes across as someone with a bit of a temper, socialist tendencies, and despite the hype contained in the New testament failed utterly to bring about his desired change in society. Then again, christians have answers for those criticisms. If there's anything a christian can do, it's make excuses and twist arguments in their favour, however ridiculous it actually is.


Man or Messiah? He's whatever his believers imagine him to be. John Wayne may have proclaimed him to be truly the son of god, but then, he was reading from a film script.


Conquer In The Name Of This?

More worrying is the trend toward christian militancy. The documentary on Russia Today pointed at the increasing indoctrination of american soldiers to these beliefs, and that senior officers, politicians, and preachers are not shy of proclaiming that God has chosen America as his weapon of conquest. That's the crusades, all over again. It just goes to show that humans haven't changed a bit. luckily there are still those with clearer heads. There's even been legal action mounted to prevent soldiers in the american armed forces from being forced to worship Jesus in this manner.To choose a faith of your own volition is one thing, but to be told to worship as a requirement is tyranny. Pure and simple. After all, weren't the Israelites supposed to be his chosen people? Since when did America assume that role? Like the Romans long ago, some americans sense their power and relish the thought of an empire without limits in space or time.


A lady in the street once tried to stop me passing by. She claimed that christianity had 'such a lovely message'. Like what? Go forth and conquer? It's been done before lady, and look what a mess that caused. Sorry, but I'm leaving you behind.


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