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Dam And Blast




This is the view from a factory chimney, looking toward the town of Somato nestling in the valley below. It all happened here.


I was back at HQ when the radio message came in. A recon patrol had ventured out as far as Somato, and stumbled on an enemy stronghold. Coming under fire their squad leader had been killed. They were pinned down on that wooded hill, just to the left of the town, and needed help. I was available so I gathered a few troops, an available truck, and headed out across the Sierra Madre mountain roads. With the war situation currently so fluid, this was bandit country, and the thought of bumping into an advancing T-72 tank didn't bear thinking about.


As it turned out, we reached a small village without incident. Leaving the truck there we continued on foot. The sound of enemy helicopters could be heard long before the recon patrol identified the threat they were facing. Those aerial gunships pack terrible firepower. My advance was becoming more cautious. I sent a radio message to the patrol to find cover and sit tight.


The helicopters had failed to spot our beleaguered soldiers on the wooded hillside. We found them, and discussed the possibility of taking the town instead of simply creeping away with our tails between our legs. As is the nature of soldierng, we decided to risk it. There were a number of enemy soldiers loitering in the area next to the hill, a loose cordon of men guarding the edge of the town. Going around either side was risky in itself as the road through Somato was alive with supply trucks going from one enemy post to another. A direct assault was agreed.


When we began to open fire, the enemy reacted slowly. One soldier collapsed backward, the others looking about in suprise. Once that suprise had worn off, they ran here and there, searching for our position and trying to avoid the gunfire, a staccato rattle of NATO calibre ammunition. Their NCO's called out instructions, and before long they zeroed in our position, bringing down accurate small arms fire that took out two of my men. From there it developed into a cat and mouse game between opposing squads. Moving from corner to corner, wall to wall, bush to bush. I ran toward a town square and realised I was in the midst of enemy soldiers grouping for an attack.


I quickly found a stone stairway and used the parapet for cover. Two rifle grenades hit my defensive wall, loud crumps and plenty of debris bouncing around the narrow stairwell. An enemy soldier reached the bottom of the stairs and turned to fire, but he wasn't quick enough. I was exactly where I didn't want to be. Pinned down amongst the enemy.


This was of course merely a game. Unlike many 'soldier-sims', this particular one has none of the hyped up 'world terrorism' or science fiction background you usually get, but instead seeks to simulate modern soldiering. Does it succeed? Well obviously the risk of death and injury is only virtual, and even then, I get respawned back at base to fight again. It does seem an odd way to relax for an hour or two, but it's only game after all.


There will be those who sneer and suggest I should do this sort of thing for real. I do understand that point. Our freedom is enjoyed because others have taken the risks to preserve it. Not everyone is cut out to be a warrior. That's why I support their efforts from the sidelines. But the moral implications of playing these games means very little to me. It just isn't real. Time then to switch off and go back to writing job applications. Now there's a battle.


Pic of the Day


What? You think I tried to cross that? What am I , Rambo? Get a life. Found this little dam out on my exploration of Mouldon Hill. In Darkest Wiltshire, beavers use stone. Here's the evidence.


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