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Feeling Slightly Disturbed



All I did was go for a walk. In the two or three hours it took me to wander around the Mouldon Hill area, I very nearly achieved a dose of sunburn. My reflection in the mirror is an almost embarrassing shade of red. I'm actually glad todays weather is grey and slightly damp. It's spitting with rain right now. What a difference a day makes.


On the way there I followed the railway path. As a child I used to walk along the tracks. Back then the line was no longer used for regular services and instead had become something of a redundant siding. These days i's a cycle path which passes an old landfill site near Moredon. It's been a long time since I've seen any activity there, but yesterday yellow eartmovers were trundling back and forth creating a fresh dirt hill on top of the weed infested old one. Somethings going on...


Something was. The grassy meadows between Sparcells and Moredon have become a building site for new housing. Perhaps that was inevitable. Nonetheless I can't help feeling saddened that this little pocket of rural bliss is being dug up. I suspect that at some point the residents who will live there might regret it. The area is a flood plain and at least once I've seen the rivers that wind through there burst their banks.


On the plus side there's a new community forest the other side of Mouldon Hill. Breddan Wood is one of two hundred such projects in England and Wales. It might not have the look and feel of mature woodland but it already has that secluded atmosphere that I enjoy. So did the Sparcells meadows at one time.


Bird Life

Walking along the river bank I disturbed a large bird. Most british birds are modest little creatures but this thing was much larger. I couldn't see what species it was, but it was largely grey with black wing tips. A crane maybe? At any rate it lazily flew away to find another secluded spot where human beings weren't going to disturb it further.


I was making something of a nuisance of myself with birds it seems. A group of small birds were gathered together on a woodland path and weren't happy to see me blunder into sight. Like all humans I took no notice of their outraged caws and cries. With no option left to them, they all scattered. A solitary small egg lay on the ground with a ragged hole broken into the side, the contents gone.


Feeding Time For Caldrail

It's no good, I need a burger. I have just enough loose change to afford one. As soon as I entered the kebab shop across the road the turk smiled and said "Quarter pounder, onions, chilli sauce, and no cheese. Am I right?"


Erm.. Yes. All the local food outlets seem to be doing that of late. I must be getting a bit predictable in my old age. As I waited for my burger to reach the point of convincing me it was edible, I noticed a young woman passing on the street. She noticed me too. Not the 'eyes across a crowded fast food outlet' sort of feeling, but instead an uncomfortable recognition between strangers. She gave a snort of disdain and carried on by. Thanks for the compliment dear.


As my attention turned once again to my impending meal, the turkish guy behind the counter was looking at me quizzically. Don't look at me mate, I've no idea who she was. He merely smiled knowingly. Shouldn't you be watching that burger? I have paid for that you know.


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