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Yet Another Boring Day...



Today I am thankful to be alive. I am thankful for that which the gods have given me. I just wish I didn't have to go to school. School= SSSD^3 :PI still haven't heard from my friend, and I'm a little worried but, hey, no sense worrying. If I had kept up the amount of nervousness I had before, I'd be dead by now.I'm moving to Minnesota in the fall (I might have mentioned it?) and I can't wait. I don't handle cold well so it will be an adjustment, but there are so many good things waiting there for me...I'll just have to bundle up! :lol: I *am* in fact getting the bow I wanted. It should be here next Wednesday, although I may need some more things for it before I can actually shoot it (arrow tips for instance-I have no clue if the arrows I ordered come with them.) My friends are all saying they are waiting to get to watch me try to string a bow... :lol: apparently they think it will be a complete laugh riot.


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