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I'm beginning to see the light



I just updated my FaceBook status to: Domani!! Domani!!!


Translation: Tomorrow!! Tomorrow!!!


Yes, tomorrow's the big day. I've been working on the list of things to pack. Today I have a couple of appointments, then it's laundry and cleaning the apartment. I haven't decided for sure, but I still have some stuff for a light dinner tonight. Then...the big day!


Tomorrow's shaping up to be a very long day...about a 36 hour day. In the morning I need to pack (unless I do it tonight, which is possible), do some yoga to stretch out and relax, take Bella to the kennel, and then go for the airport. It's a later flight (7:30pm), but because I'm flying international on the first leg and I'm checking a bag, I need to get there 2-3 hours early. The bad news in this is that I'll be taking public transportation...not my favorite option, but when flying out midweek during the workday, well, that's about it. I think I back tracked it so that I have to leave the house at 2pm. Eh, it's all good.


The only thing I'm not prepared for is the language. Sure, I'm fluent in Italian, but I haven't had the time to review anything. Remember, I speak Spanish and English every day...no real Italian. And while I've been forcing myself to think in Italian as much as possible, there are some definite lapses. I guess this means I'm bringing my review book on the plane.


I'm not nervous. I'm kinda surprised, really. But in a way, I'm not. How do I phrase this...I tend to get nervous leading up to major events, then the nerves seem to melt away when it's time to act. But it's all good...la vita


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