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You Deal With It...



I have now finished my six months with New Deal, which means I get a new claims advisor, so at last I don't have to suffer that loathsome woman. She tried today to put a vacancy under my nose that I'd already discussed and decided was untenable. When I mentioned we'd already discussed that one, there was a flash of anger across her face. She very nearly went into another display of bovine outrage.


Another thing is that recently I applied for a job being handled by a recruitment agency. I really do dislike agencies. Quite apart from the fact they operate as slave-traders to all intents and purposes, they also come across as untrustworthy and very definitely partisan about how they go about their business. That said, nothing ventured, nothing gained, so I answered the phone message left by one of their team this morning.


No matter how much I tried, all I got was a 'diverted call' message. Doesn't he want to talk to me, then? Oh well, their office isn't far away, I'll drop in and sort something out. I should mention at this point that the weather today is wet. It's been a while since we've had more than light drizzle, and a uniformly sombre grey sky is delivering its load of rain without interruption. Looking out the window I see the usual collection of umbrellas and soaked hoodies. The reason I mention this is that I didn't turn up dressed neat and tidy.


There were two people in the office, both of afro-carribbean extraction. Near the front was a sharp dressed man, shaven haired, spotlessly clean, and clearly not noticing my presence at all. I see. You will hear it said that we judge by first appearances. There are those who judge entirely on appearances. Because I wasn't dressed in a similar manner to him, I was, in his eyes, worthless and fit to be ignored. For an employment agency that relies on people coming through the door for business, you have to wonder at his attitude, but then it's a sign of the times. With so many people unemployed or seeking better jobs, they really can pick and choose.


Eventually the pretty and charming young lady sat right at the back of the office could stand the strain no longer. She bounded to the front and asked if she could help. Thank you. However, it seems the phone call I received was dubious. She told me that no-one of that name worked there. "We're mostly women here." She added.


Well, I said, glancing at Sharp Dressed Man, it seems he's been put in his place.


Bang, You're Dead

According to the news, a CIA pilotless drone has killed a senior member of Al Q'aeda. Third in command no less. As the saying goes, you live by the sword, you die by the sword. Back in the days of the Cold War, it was common urban legend that the CIA went around assassinating people, a story no doubt fuelled by paranoia, anti-americanism, and no shortage of spy thrillers in print or the big screen. For once, I'm glad they have. Sadly it probably doesn't make the world a safer place. The job will soon go to another zealot. But at least you can't help feeling that justice has been done in some way.


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