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For The First Time



The gas bill arrived this morning. For the first time since I moved in nearly eight years ago, I've made a loss on that particular service. Worse still, the supply company have automatically doubled my payments. I can't afford to pay that much. My benefits don't cover domestic bills. It seems a bit odd in a way but all I get is Jobseekers Allowance plus Housing Benefit, and I have to pay for everything out of those two sources, which has never left me with a huge profit but now energy prices are being hiked up, I'm losing what little profit I once made.


Some people think I live the life of Reilly. I imagine they enjoy a social life. Holidays abroad twice a year. I can't afford those. It's true I own this or that, but then, for the most part those belongings were my property before I became unemployed, and any major purchase since has come out of my savings, so I'm not exactly as well off as people imagine.


Today I have to phone the gas company and ask them to terminate the service until further notice. It's a sad reflection of the times but I'll just have to do without hot water for now.


On The Bright Side

"I'd like to leave a message for Lord Caldrail" Said the recording played out over my mobile phones answering service. You know what? That's the first time in nearly six months that anyone has adressed me in that polite manner.


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