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Being Sociable



As so often happens, a young asian lad sat at the next library computer began chattering on his mobile phone in a montone barrage of meaningless syllables. He just didn't draw breath. He didn't notice my cold disapproving stare. Coughs did not attract his attention. So eventually a 'Hey!' roused him from his hypnotic mantra. He nodded, and after another minute or so of constant chat, finally hung up the call. At last!


He came back five minutes later and started his phone call all over again.


Today as I begin to log on to a computer, some bloke behind me loudly proclaims where he is and what he's doing over his phone, almost as if the world needs to know. He was pounced on. The librarian on duty came at him veritably spitting and snarling - "You cannot use mobile phones on this floor!" He said with respectable finality. Obviously taking lessons from Dragon Lady. I shall have to watch my step.


About Mobile Phones

I never saw this, but the story was told to me some time ago. On a rail journey some businessman was making those annoying calls and getting up everyones noses. Eventually his bladder could take no more, and as he needed to visit the toilet desperately, he rather foolishly asked another passenger to watch his belongings for him. Once out of sight, the passenger grabbed the mans phone left on the seat and threw it out the window. When the businessman came back, he bagan searching for the missing device and asked whether the passenger had seen it... Erm... Nope.


A part of me wants to do that in the library. Sorry mate, but no mobile phones allowed.... There you go... It's out there, on the pavement. Might need a repair. But then my own mobile phone never works properly either. Even when calls manage to stay connected, the battery brings an air of excitment as you never know if the wretched thing will give up halfway through your conversation. The salesmen insist a charged battery will last two or three weeks, but two or three days is more accurate, and the device is programmed to lose power in the midst of the most important phone calls. There I was, talking to an employer about getting a job for in excess of


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