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That Kind Of Day



"It's been a strange kind of day" Said the librarian as he joked with another customer. He isn't wrong. When I logged on this morning all I got was a blank blue screen and no icons to access programs or my beloved internet. Every so often an electronic whine makes an insistent if intermittent intrusion to my daily round of website forums, emailed job applications, and the sort of browsing you do when you've done everything you needed and you just want to use up your alloted time.


I even had a confrontation with Dragon Lady. Having returned armed with important job application documents I discovered it was impossible to book a computer today, because the system was acting funny. Can I book one please?


"Do you have your library card" She asked me.


No, but I do have the number, so...


"Do you have any alternative ID?"


Errr.... No....


"I'm sorry, but without your library card I can't log you on. You're supposed to carry your card with you at all times"


What is this? Communist Russia? Oh good grief woman, I've been using this library for six years. Even you know who I am. What's scottish for You Silly Woman? She was going to give me a lecture but I said goodbye, rushing downstairs to be assisted by a somewhat more co-operative democratic librarian, who logged me on no problem at all.


Okay. Now to relate what happened yesterday...


What Happened Yesterday

The highlight of my day was a stroll through the local open spaces to enjoy the warm weather. Okay, maybe that's not exactly a supercharged action packed adrenaline pumping way to spend your time, but bear with me, it does get marginally more exciting in the next couple of paragraphs.


My first close encounter was with a great dane. Luckily it was more concerned with something else and totally ignored me as it galloped past like a racehorse with fangs. I have to say, it was a very impressive sight. Thank heaven dog food is tastier these days.


My second encounter with a dog was the pet of a young man hanging out with his mates by a social club. They were draped across the footpath, naturally enough seeing as they think they own the neighbourhood, and as I approached he even ordered his dog to lie down on the pavement. I did try to step over the dog. I really did. Unfortunately I sort of accidentially kicked the animal up the bum slightly in the process of my somewhat clumsy attempt at penetrating their brooding throng. One youth spat on the pavement. A bemused dog-owner, who clearly couldn't believe I'd risk life and limb in this manner, offered a strangely mocking apology. No, don't answer him, he'll only get up tight over it.


And that was my day. I got home, safe and well, and the only bad point was being woken early this morning by some guy yelling curses and threats outside the back of my house. Oh dear... Has my car not got a steering wheel then?


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