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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums
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Rebel Rebel



Been a while, I know. The end of the semester usually gets a bit rough. In this case, perhaps all the moreso because of the upcoming trip to the motherland. There seems to be an unending amount of things to get done beforehand, so that when I come back I'm not bombarded with a myriad of items requiring my attention. It's bad enough that when I come back, I'll have about 3 weeks to get everything settled for my move.


I have been reminded that I am honor-bound and duty-driven to come up with activities that I want to do while in Tuscany. Um, duh. I know this. I also know that while I will do some planning, I do not plan on doing all that much. Oh, a trip up to outer Milan to see the ancestral lands is definitely on the list. But while I have sent off a letter to my grandmother's cousin, I somehow doubt that I'll hear anything back...and if I do, wonderful. If not, well, I just want to go see it. Granted, it's preobably been built over, seeing as how what once was a podunk farming community 100 years ago is now a suburb of Milan. I know this. Maybe it's just that my overall energy level is down, but I just can't be arsed to do it.


I want to spend a couple of days in Florence, a handful in Siena. Beyond that...well, the pool at the villa looks nice.


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