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Dogs And Dunces



Whilst out and about I passed an old chap and his faithful hound. The good natured beastie promptly approached to greet me and received its obligatory pat on the head whilst it stood there wagging its tail in appreciation. His owner is obviously well used to his genial canine doing this and took the opportunity to speak to me.


"Chilly isn't it?" He said knowingly. Actually, he isn't wrong, there's a definite nip in the air and only the presence of the hazy sunshine made it at all comfortable. So I agreed and pointed out if it wasn't for the fine weather I'd be feeling cold.


"We're only five weeks away from the longest day of the year" He responded in an automatic manner rather like a sentence he prepared earlier. But he's right. We're fast approaching the middle of the year and it's not warm. Can't wait for my claims interview on Monday. That'll get even colder.


No Mobile Phones

What is it with young asian guys? They always - and I mean always - seem to chattering away on mobile phones. I'm sat next to one here in the library. Whilst he's been thoughtful enough to use an earpiece his monotone bassy mutterings are getting annoying. It wouldn't be so bad if spoke in english, then I could listen in and not get so irritated. Hey mate... This is a library.


"I know that." He answered, looking a little perplexed as to why I was interrupting the deal of the century. Sorry mate, but mobile phones aren't allowed.


He doesn't seem to understand how anti-social these things are. Even our new Prime Minister (when he finally realises he can use that job title for the next few years) has banned the wretched things in meetings. I suspect there wasn't much complaint. Doesn't do to say no to your nations leader does it? At least in this case the asian guy sat in the next cubicle didn't mouth off. However he did go into quite a monumental sulk and sat with his back to me. His habit is hard to break. After seven minutes and twenty seven seconds he picked up his phone and stared at it longingly. Now he's wandered off to talk into it.


Making Friends And Influencing People

Talking of doing deals, I see that half of Russians questioned believe that bribery solves problems. I disagree. If you're wealthy enough to hand out sums of money to influence other peoples behaviour, you never had a problem in the first place. On the other hand, why spend money? it seems a female touch is just as effective according to a recent study. And if you not female or pretty enough, just throw a strop. My claims advisor will show you how it's done.


Job Search Update

I've done it. I've overcome my state of depression and processed two of the three applications I was given. Now I can sit back and wait for the rejection notices. If that sounds a bit like a lazy don't care attitude, please be assured it's only the aspirational level I've come to accept. If I get a positive reply, just think how happy I'll be. Maybe not quite as happy as the australian guy who was handed the keys to a gleaming red ferrari that wasn't his by a somewhat mistaken casino valet, but then I don't look like your average Ferrari owner. And since I can't afford Ferrari's, neither can I bribe a casino valet to hand me the keys. On the other hand, maybe I should have supported Labour's initiaive to introduce casino's to Britain. I might not be able to afford to drive a Ferrari, but I could have driven everyone elses. Or is that setting my aspirations too low?


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