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Who's Kidding Who?



What you're looking at it something of a survivor of the Great Computer Crash of 2009. Okay, I like trains. Even Top Gear presenters play with trains. What well balanced male of the species doesn't? Football fans I imagine, but then they get so wrapped up in their tiny little worlds too, don't they? But I digress. Pahusett Valley is one of my virtual routes I put together on a comouter. Certainly it lacks the tactile sensations and satisfaction of creating a model with your bare hands, but then if you haven't got the physical space or finance to indulge your instincts, what else can you do? At least my own little world is realised without the constraints of the real one. This railroad is the way it is because I made that way. And since the editor is such a pig of a program to use, I still derive some pleasure from acheiving the end result. But hey... Judge for yourself.


All Change At The Top

Well that's it then. The man I once dismissed as a lightweight has made to Prime Minister. I stand corrected. Well done that man. Now let's see if he can earn his pay. Well, you can't accept a job of that importance and not feel the pressure. I should know. Being part of David Camerons disfuntional Britain I've seen how rewarding effort can be.


Is This A Con?

A little while back I wrote about this aged Indian who claimed he hadn't eaten or drank for seventy years. He's been under medical examination for two weeks and guess what? Apparently he does go without food and drink. So now the military are interested to see whether their soldiers can derive energy from sunlight. Somehow I doubt it's going to make special forces night raids any easier.


I can't decide whether some stunt has pulled here or not. Is this some fantasy cooked up by a clever ruse? Is it a complete fantasy? Or perhaps this yogi has managed to access a latent biological adaption? It just goes to show if you concentrate hard enough you can succeed. Then again, this Indian has clearly not dealt with the british Department of Work and Pensions.


Oh Yeah... My Job Search

At my last claims interview I was given three vacancies to apply for. For the first time in two years I just cannot find the motivation to bother. It isn't laziness - I've already proven beyond shadow of a doubt that I'm willing to enter the workplace and do a days work - but unfortunately once a claims advisor believes you're being dishonest you might as well slit your wrists. It wouldn't be the first time a dole seeker in Swindon has committed suicide and I'm beginning to understand why it happens. I know this all sounds a little negative . Sadly that's exactly what the situation is. It's all very well moaning about dole cheats and how something must be done to get professional claimants back in the workplace, but some uis were actually trying.


Get A Life, Caldrail

I know. It's all sounding a bit bleak isn't it? Today, I'll have a wander around and try to find something odd, amusing, or simply newsworthy in the world outside my virtual railroading. See ya when I get back.


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