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My mamma said...



(Ok, so that''s a song lyric, and not a song title...it's appropriate, dammit...)


Friday was a huge and emotional day, for many reasons. Yes, I did go to the Honors and Transfer Ceremony, which was this fulfilling experience as an educator and as a member of the campus community. We have 10,000 students at my college, which is a small number for a community college, but the number of students who have finished their certificates or associate's degrees and who are transferring is large. And we'll have even more students in the fall, and that means even more opportunities to change lives. It's really pretty awesome when you think about it.


Friday also marked the day when a dear friend handed in her dissertation...not only is she done, but the nightmare that was her defense and post-defense period has now closed. She had one of the most unsupportive committees, headed by a dissertation advisor that left her to the proverbial wolves--and my dear friend is someone who needed, and perhaps one could say deserved, better treatment. But regardless, she's done, she's a PhD, and that chapter has closed. She sent me and various others the copy of the acknowledgements page of her dissertation...very touching to be part of that.


And as I type this, I'm sitting in my parents' den. I'm spending the night here, celebrating Mothers' Day with my mamma. All us kids were here today, and tomorrow I'm making lunch. Happy Mothers' Day to all those wonderful women who give us life, to give us support, and who give us love.


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