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The news is now out on the forum and via our newsletter (you should get it during the course of the day), we are officially Tweeting now, if you never heard of Twitter and wonder what the heck is this all about, go to http://tweeternet.com/, its basically a micro-blogging service that allows people to type in short messages or status updates that can be read by people following them. An individual message or status update is often referred to as a 'tweet'.


If you go to http://twitter.com/UNRV you can see, first of all what we have written (always limited to max. 140 characters), also you see on the right hand site, Followers and Following.

Followers are people that are following what we have to say, Following are the people that we (UNRV) are following and therefor receiving their messages.


I found two authors via Twitter already (Adrian Murdoch and Caroline Lawrence are our followers and we follow them)


...in anycase if you have already an Account follow us, you might get a free map even... (read newsletter or forum and you know how)


Happy Tweeting...


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