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Not to be outdone by the recent weather in California, a dramatic if understated outburst of dampness took place yesterday afternoon. Our first rain in ages! A very light and persistent drizzle that was a refreshing change from all the good weather we've been... What am I saying? One benefit of the lightly damp evening was an absence of late night revellers entertaining us with drinking songs and impromptu boxing matches, but very considerately the local police prevented us from boredom by passing my house sounding their siren. Okay, you got a mention. Can I go back to sleep now?


And what happened to that unseasonal warm weather we were promised? It might not be actually chilly out there, but it ain't exactly warm. Today is one of those indifferent days. A carpet of lumpy white and grey cloud obscures the sky yet fails to completely douse the sunshine. This is a day to do stuff, life all those outside repair jobs for instance, rather than incinerate burgers on a barbeque on the back lawn. Not to worry, burgers are apparently poisonous, and if you thought salad was good for you...


Eating Is Bad For You

After all the health scares about what we eat I couldn't help noticing the news that an elderly Indian man is being studied after claiming he's gone the last seventy years without food and drink, relying on meditation. It does sort of beggar belief that you get around bilogical requirements simply by thinking about it, but I also sort of think maybe he needs to get out a little more. Life without good food? Unthinkable. Life without cider? I cannot comprehend the merest possibility of speculation on how awful that would be. On the other hand, with food prices going up, he gets to live pretty darn cheaply. What to do? Decisions, decisions... No, I have to think about that a bit more.


Thinking About The Sales Pitch

The last of the televised debates between the three top contenders for the general election due in a weeks time has been aired. As someone who didn't bother watching any of them, why were three programs needed? Surely one big bust-up was more than adequate? The reports I've seen in the media are pretty much what you'd expect. Nick Clegg of the Liberal Democrats wants us to know that they have policies. Gordon Brown of the Labour Party wants us to know that they haven't. David Cameron wants us to know that he he has lots of policies and hopes to have them thought out by the time we elect him. A pretty typcial election then.


Of course being politicians all the "We're here to help you" speeches don't cut much ice with pessimistic potential voters like me. If everybody had delivered on their promises before I'd be blissfully happy owning my own home in a pedestrianised paradise where poverty, ignorance, and hospital waiting lists are a thing of the past. If you think about it, how much of these messianic political squabbles we get every few years actually make any difference? Labour have already proved we're voting them into office to get rich even quicker. Shall I vote? Or not?


Truth is none of them seem particularly impressive specimens right now.


Other People Thinking About Things

NASA are considering which of their 28 missions to discover life on other planets should go ahead. A little tip gentlemen. Cancel the Swindon mission. Just thought I'd save you some expensive disappointment.


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