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Manic Monday



Mondays are a different schedule than most. While I'm at home all day, I'm working--it's my day to do anything creative for whichever project needs the most attention, I have online office hours, and tonight I start up a private tutoring for a colleague's son. (Which reminds me, I need to create a document to tabulate the hours and invoice...crap, one more thing to do...)


This morning started out at 7...well, to be honest, it started out earlier, as Bella decided that she wanted me up and raring to go. Except that 7 is my time to get up, dear darling furry-butt, and I ain't a-movin' until my alarm goes a-ringin'. So she sat at my shoulders until my alarm went off. Eh, so be it...we had our morning cuddle, and then got moving.


7:30...my windows are open (have I professed my love of springtime in NorCal?), and I'm at the computer, checking the usual sites. I hear a neighbor chopping limbs or something--I should explain here that the neighborhood I live in is one of the original ones for San Jos


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