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Put In Place



Yet another sunny day. Pretty darn chilly this morning as I strolled through the park devoid of the birds returning from winter in tropical climes (or are they grounded by volcanic ash too? Must be tough cleaning those feathers). All in all, it's turning out to be a chilly day all round.


I suppose it was bound to happen sooner or later. My title has been impugned. My claims advisor not only bluntly refused to acknowledge it but she took every opportunity to criticise my behaviour and even threatened to have me escorted off the premises. What a charming woman. Actually I think she took great delight in her impression of bovine outrage. I wonder what happened to the customer service these public departments are so proud of advertising? I guess any hint that one of their customers might be thinking of himself as anything more than a downtrodden subservient failure waives it.


Some might say it's all my own fault. That I shouldn't use that title and so forth. Well.. Strictly speaking there's something in that argument since it isn't a peerage, but then again, if John Prescott can get a peerage for doing nothing more than squatting in public apartments I'm pretty sure I can use a title for doing more than expected of me.


More And More Ash

The volcano in Iceland shows no sign of easing up. Some news reports indicated a drop in activity but since when were volcanoes completely predictable? Maybe this is a bit hard on those trapped abroad, but I notice Swindon is remarkably quiet at the moment. Now that the government, whoever takes charge of it, is going to be concerned with reducing mounting debt, could they not honour their promises to make better for the public by asking the Royal Navy not to rescue British holidaymakers? They get an opportunity to get even more inebriated, I get peace and quiet. Works to the advantage of all.


Pic Of The Day

Didn't get the photograph I wanted, but I caught this one instead. Enjoy...




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