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Mad world



This little ash-burst in Iceland has got some people in paranoid moods of late. Oh, I don't mean those who are traveling--honestly, if I was one of them, I don't quite know what I would do, and as I see it they have every reason to be pulling their hair out. No, I'm referring to the enviro-tards who scream at anyone who even has the audacity to place their plastic cup in the regular trash, instead of bringing it home and put in the recycle bin. Some of the people who take up the same general space I do have been talking about how all this air pollution from the volcano will cause respiratory problems for the next several years. Really? I didn't think there were many respiratory problems now...but I could be wrong. Regardless, air particles will dissipate and be pushed on into the rest of the globe, and I don't really think the sky will fall. And even if it does, what the hell can we do about it? I say bring a lawn chair, prop it up, and watch the fun go by :D


Then there was that one colleague who worried about my trip to Italy. She's afraid my flights are in jeopardy, that they will be canceled. In June. I was about to ask her how in the blue blazes that could happen, especially seeing as how things will be ironed out 2 months from now. Then I thought better of it. Look, I know that it'll take some time to get people sorted out, not to mention to get planes and crews sorted out. But I'm guessing in 7 weeks' time my SFO > Zurich flight will be just fine, thankyaveddymuch.


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I hear Zurich is something of a playground for light aeroplanes at the moment. With all airliner movements halted they're just letting everyone else free run of the place. You don't see that in England. In fact, there was a light plane accident not far from where I used to fly, just in the last week. The cause isn't known yet but naturally people are wondering if ash was responsible. Personally I don't think so, it's unlikely he was flying high enough, and light aeroplanes usually crash because someone either didn't do something they should or did something they shouldn't.


Well, if any of those enviro-tards are interested, I haven't coughed once since the eruption began and so far I show no signs of becoming a zombie. It ain't exactly Pompeii around here (despite some peoples efforts :D )

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LOL Good to hear that all is well in Jolly Ol'England, Caldrail. Wouldn't have it any other way, I 'spose.


Zurich...I'm only there a couple of hours to change planes, both going and coming. My bigger worry is that long haul from SF to there, and then back...what am I going to do? Actually, it's not a worry at all, and having done a trans-Atlantic trip once before, I have an idea of what will happen. I won't sleep much, which might be to my benefit, seeing as how I land in Rome at 7ish. Eh, a good book, probably my Italian refresher book (I have to remember this language that I haven't spoken in many years), maybe an iPod full of music, and I'll be fine. I promise to wave over Slough when we pass over your place, Mr. C!



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