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Shook me all night long



What a very weird night of sleep. Usually I'm one to conk out at whatever hour, sleep the entire night without much bother...in fact, I've been told that I more-or-less find one position and stay there for most all of the night. But last night...ugh. A night full of the oddest visions, scenes and sounds, ranging on various topics, and I'm still up at 7:30 in the morning.


One dream had me going crazy, literally. And I knew what I was doing, too...so I go to talk to my ex, who is a psychologist. He tells me that I need...*boom* I'm awake. Dammit, that didn't help me at all.


Next dream had me doing something, then my cat Bella racing in...but we're not at our current place, rather at some other house that I don't recognize. She's trying to get my attention, Lassie-style, so I follow her until I see...*boom* the dream has ended, and while I don't awaken, I definitely stir in bed.


There were a couple of others, and I don't recall them, but it definitely cased me to partially awaken several times in the night. And yet, when I woke up for good, I was relatively free of tiredness. However, I don't rule out the possibility of taking an afternoon nap, particularly as it's supposed to be a stormy day. Something about rain pouring down, a nice warm blanket, and a nap, they're a great match.


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