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Almost There...



Here is a string of e-mails from the last 24 hours in regards to my archaeological crusade:


#1: Sean:


I have contacted a former student of mine, Chad Long, who now works for the SC SHPO. Being an insider and one who may feel some indebtedness, Chad will, hopefully, puruse your request!


Let me know how it all pans out.

Tom Whyte


#2: Sean,


Tom Whyte forwarded your email to him regarding an archaeological site in SC. Our office might be able to help. Please send me the general location of the site on a topographic map (try topozone.com or maptech.com) so that I can query our GIS for recorded sites.


Thanks for your interest and concern.


Chad C. Long

Archaeologist/GIS Manager

SC State Historic Preservation Office

8301 Parklane Road

Columbia, SC 29223

Office: (803) 896-6181

Fax: (803) 896-6167

email: Long@scdah.state.sc.us


#3: Hello to all,

Chad forwarded all of your correspondence regarding this site to me since I review Chesterfield County. As it turns out I reviewed a permit for a mine in this area back in November and recommended a survey. AND, I just got a cultural resources report from that survey in last week. I have not formally reviewed it yet, but taking a quick look, I see that they identified no sites. SO, I have written both South Carolina Department of Health-Mining and the consultant that did the survey and requested a revisit to attempt to locate the site based on the information provided by Sean. I forwarded all the emails so I am hoping that Sean gets contacted to help relocate the site. The timing in this couldn't have been much better. Thanks very much to all. I hope we can relocate the site.


Valerie Marcil

Staff Archaeologist

South Carolina Department of Archives and History

8301 Parklane Road

Columbia, SC 29223

Phone (803) 896-6173

Fax (803) 896-6167


Needless to say I am overwhelmed by the tenacity of these professionals to assist me site unseen (no pun intended!)


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None of these people is at all negative-so the situation remains hopeful and a closer scrutiny of the area is officially sanctioned.You cannot now accuse yourself of any tardiness ( as you hinted at and I thought was a ltitle hard on yourself) or failure to act as your conscience dictated.With luck this may yet have a positive outcome.

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They are exhibiting the same voracious enthusiasm that I would be apt to display if I were trying to locate the last cask of Gulden Draak left on the planet!


I believe dear Clio at the behest of the heavenly father is guiding the precise timing of this endeavor

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