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Proof Is Sometimes Handy



Today is big news for me. I have published my first book, available from all good booksellers, entitled Introspective and Non-Triumphant Behaviour Among Adolescent Roman Males (by Caldrail). Took me ages to research the subject. Finally finished and out on the shelves. Woo Hooo!


You are all going to buy a copy, aren't you?


This was of course a complete April Fools joke and the said book does not exist. It also happens to be a subtle if somewhat abstract poke at some of my dole-seeking friends at the Work Experience Programme Centre and my early exit on Thursday. Oh come on... Who'd buy a book with 'Caldrail' on the cover? :D


Proof of Pyshic Powers

I was right. I am psychic. TB did indeed attempt to call me. Unfortunately I set the wrong year on my mobile phone so the message never got through. Whoops. Must remember not to make mistakes like that again.


Proof of Jobsearch

Todays activity at our weekly Jobsearch Day was to make a milk smoothie. I have absolutely no idea why flavoured dairy drinks have any meaningful benefit to our unemployed status, but there you go. One lady was perusing the various recipes on the net, usually involving lots of expensive strawberries, but I made a few helpful suggestions, such as...


Vindaloo Smoothie. Lots of fiery chilli, potato, and a meat of your choice, plus the knowledge that you will find a use for all that excess toilet paper you bought in the last weekends sale.


Brussel Sprout and Vinegar Smoothie. Let it not be said th at I don't cater for vegetarians. Full of sprouting goodness.


As usual our chimps tea party took no notice of the what was going on and resported to loud debate concerning football results, Miss M's ever eventful love life, the Malignant Pixie's sex aid, the latest gossip from Facebook, and for those who could bear it, rap music from the PC's. It seems I was the only one who heard TB say that if we applied for enough jobs we could go home earlier. I was a little delayed due to a snail having been reincarnated as a computer, but fifteen minutes later I was triumphantly waving a wad of print-outs and away I went. See ya, KS. Enjoy your day at the Programme Centre.


Note The Date

Some of you might have spotted the date. I take no responsibility for trips to the bookstore and long-winded enquiries to members of staff. In fact, all in all, I've had a very irresponsible day!


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