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As time goes by...



It's the 31st of March, 2010. Three months have already gone by in this year, and I really can't tell you where it's all gone. I knew that this would a very hectic year, what with work, work and work, but it's unreal how busy I've been. The good news is that this week and the one coming are times for me to rest, do a very little bit of catch up, and enjoy life here in NorCal. I'd sit here and say, "I'm ready for whatever life has to throw at me," but since I'm pretty much broke, well, that's not going to be uttered. Instead I'll say: "I'm ready to live life today, and tomorrow." There, not very threatening, right?


I just booked my hotel room for Rome; 3 nights at a small hotel, just to the SW of Termini (the rail station). That was done on purpose; I wanted to be in walking distance of the station, and still be in walking distance to the Forum and that area. The travel guides that I have warned that it's not the absolute best of neighborhoods, and I understand that. However, there seem to be a ton of pretty good reviews on TripAdvisor, and in all honesty I'm looking for a place that's close, someplace reasonable, and someplace to lie down at night. Since I'm traveling alone, I'm not planning on going out at night--I'm not that stupid. The coolest thing ever is going on Google Maps and going to the street level in the neighborhood of the hotel, and seeing for myself how the lay of the land. Ok, there's a little grafitti on the building across the street from my hotel, but it's really not bad at all. It's right across from a piazza, there are several pizzerie and trattorie very close by. I think I'll be alright. Actually, I'm really geeked about this trip. I can't wait to see all of this!


Ok, off to go run a million errands. I got paid today, which means that that money gets spent today on bills, refilling the pantry, etc. Hopefully the rain stays away until this afternoon, when I have to teach.


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