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Powers Of L



Never quite cloudy... Never quite rainy... It's been a day of woeful indecision from Mother Nature. We of the Stockroom Breed however have been much more determined. After all, we've been there ten weeks now. We're already discussing the need to be awarded campaign medals. Mr R died of old age. W left after his criminal record was exposed. Mistymouth left after exposing his.. well.. oddness. There was apparently another new starter who left the next day with a sprained wrist. We are the survivors.


A Lesson In Baling

Miss L sometimes helps with the baling of waste cardboard and plastic. As I ambled past on my way to find some banter I spotted her attempting to fill the last few cubic inches of space available in the big yellow machine. The obstinate plastic bag refused to comply with her curses. So, with all the powers of L at her command, she grabbed her broom and rammed the poor plastic in there quite violently. After which everything already stuffed inside fell out. She looked at me balefully as I guffawed. You have to laugh.


A Lesson In Physics

KS was hauling a clothes rail from the lift with his usual downtrodden slave persona. Such an opportunity was too good to miss. Miss L leapt onto to the back of the rail and saved herself a walk down the racks. Unfortunately she had forgotten that the walkway has a right bend in it, and when KS pulled the strangely heavier rail round the perpendicular course it immediately oversteered, swinging such that Miss L was propelled into the rack along the wall. She made such a helpless squeak in alarm at her predicament that I couldn't help falling over laughing.


A Lesson In Gymnastics

In one of the racks I have responsibility for is a metal ladder, a sizeable and unwieldy contraption with wheels, brakes, probably even cup holders too. To Miss L, it represents a climbing frame, and in her youthful innocence made an attempt to reach the top from the other side to the steps... Like you do. Once again she made a squeak of alarm as the whole thing began to overbalance. Trust me, Lara Croft is a better gymnast.




Short Leash

Miss L wandered past in a state of complete amusement and said "She's got him on such a short leash"


She meant the hold Mrs T has over KS, who answered her every call and whim, and woe betide him if he wandered off for some banter. Miss L suggested Mrs T use a small bell to summon his services and that was the running joke of the day. Mrs T was not amused. Ahhh... Sorry about that...


Invitation To A Lunchtime

After ten weeks working at the store the guys finally invited me along to their social gathering at the local sandwich bar. I opted for a steak and cheese sub with olives and peppers in herb bread, but at a whopping


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