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Stupid Finals

FLavius Valerius Constantinus


Well everyone, I'm in the fight for my life. Today finals started and so far, I think I did very well. Scriptures was about a 150 questions, but the test was so straightforward that it made the test easy. So no stress there, but math is my major weakness, however, the test was easy this time even though there were so many trick questions. As for tomorrow, I have Literature, the one I'm most of afraid of. Then Gym, haha that class is such a blowoff. Lastly for the day, I have Honors Latin II, now that is gonna be an easy one since I'm such a Latin geek. But then on Thursday, Chemistry is gonn screw me over. Lastly and finally, I have a very important project to turn in for Design, luckily Design has no final.


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I would like to say "I know what you mean" in this situation, but alas, as a middle school student I don't experiance that type of pressure. How ever I do sympathize for you. Also, might I welcome you to the blogging comunity.

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