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Predictions and predilections



I have no idea why, but lately I've gotten into the habit of reading my horoscope in the morning. Actually, I have a clue as to why: I love to have a giggle in the morning. Seriously. Today's Yahoo! Horoscope for Capricorn:




There could be a little problem in the cards. Or a big one. Be cautious, either way.



You may feel like volunteering or otherwise making a difference today. Things are going your way, and if you share the good times with others, you may be able to keep them up for yourself.


Is it just me, or are those two statements a bit contradictory? I mean, things are going to go my way, but there could be a problem? Be cautious, but share the good times with others? Huh?


Can I share the good times with my cat? Or do I have to include the people in my life? Well, first that would include the 'good times'...or rather, me actually having good times. If things go right, they'll come in the summer, but as far as I know, I have no 'good times' right now.



And what kind of problems? Could you be a bit more specific? I mean, sheesh, how's a girl supposed to prepare if she has no idea how to prepare?


Who needs the morning comics?


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