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Spring forward, my ass



I dislike Daylight Savings.


No, really, I dislike it. I still don't see the point in it. Maybe for some there's a savings in electricity bills or some such thing, but honestly, just turn a light off every now and then. It helps.


The first couple days of the spring-forward instantiation, I'm always off time-wise. I wake up 'late' in my mind, even though it's my normal time to wake up. I mean, my body tells me it's 7 or 7:30, but in fact my clock says 8. It takes a couple of days for both my cat Bella and I to get right.


The fall-back one is even worse. Not only does it take me a couple of days to get back right again, but poor Bella is completely confused. What, it's time wake up, right? No, we don't have an extra hour, we have to get up now! I swear, that's what she's saying.


Regardless, it's a gorgeous spring day--yes, I know that the equinox isn't for another few days yet, but it feels like spring has already sprung here in NorCal. Time for some cleaning, to finish up a couple of projects, and to generally get work done. Cleaning the apartment is on the list, of course. I think I'll wait another week to replace the basil plant that decided not to take hold...I don't really feel like going to the nursery. But definitely spending time outside is in order...well, not quite yet. At 8:38am (according to my clocks) it's still barely above 50'F. I think frolicking outside can wait until this afternoon.


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