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Todays Obligatory Blog Entry



I have no idea who rang the doorbell this morning but thank you anyway. There I was, snoozing away,, lost in a land of sheep and... Well, dreams... When I heard the frantic attempts to attract someones (anyones) attention out in the street. Ohmigosh! It's daylight outside! I've slept in!


By the time I'd wearily fallen out of bed I remembered this was indeed saturday and I wasn't late for work. I hate to say it, but I'm almost rehabilitated. Heck, I'm turning into a mature responsible adult.


It's a nice day. It really is. The sun is shining, the recent rain has gone away, the air has a fresh coolness, birds are singing, library goers are chatting in unrestrained joy at being alive. Quiet please. This is a library you know. Except the new librarian on duty, a freckle faced youngster, sits reading a paper in slack jawed innocence of the need to keep everyone silent. What is the world coming to?


Saturday Morning Quiz

I don't know if my gerbil pills are doing strange things to my brain, or if something dubious is wafting around the air conditioning system in the stockroom, but there's a perceptual dimension to being up there all day that does strange things to your senses. It could just be Mistymouth's exhaled smoke of course as his description of the strange potion he's using to create that smoke hasn't convinced anyone.


Since I've rushed into the library this morning without a chance to experience life and report on a days activity, here's a saturday morning quiz to fill in the blank and keep you blog addicts mentally fit and stable.


Question 1 - Why did Mistymouth announce I was in charge in the stockroom?

a - I threatened to beat him up if he didn't

b - A senior executive of Department Stores Ltd told him I was

c - I looked like Gandalf

d - I resemble Rod Stewart


Question 2 - Who wrote 'Banksy' in large letters on a cardboard box?

a - Rampant Rabbit

b - Happy Robot

c - Alice The Ghost

d - The Weekend Workers Committee


Question 3 - Who switched off the lights?

a - The Rack Fairy

b - Me

c - KS

d - Miss T did it in a wanton display of malicious tomfoolery


Question 4 - Who is KS dating at the moment?

a - No-one. Poor lad is on his own and experiencing his first bout of loneliness since puberty

b - Miss A, who still refuses to accept it's all over

c - Miss L2, who capitulated in a soft focus blast of violins

d - Miss G, who just can't keep her hands off him despite KS using a whip and wooden stool


Answers at the bottom of the thread.


Something of the Week

Usually at the end of a blog entry I write a bit announcing that item of world importance that attracted my attention in the last few days. Apart from Miss A, who is demanding the bag of chips I promised her, Miss R, who refuses to accept that a little chaos in your life is good for you, and Miss G, who still refuses to acknowledge my presence on the grounds that my existence contravenes all known laws of quantum mechanics, there is absolutely nothing that has made itself important enough to warrant a mention at the bottom of my blog.


On the other hand, Miss S has finally bought a kitten to replace her dead one. This one has racing stripes, so she tells me.


Quiz Answers

Dunno. It's a smoke-filled testosterone pumping fun thrills and spills roller coaster ride and it's all flashed past so fast I'm totally unable to discern reality from illusion anymore. Choose your own answers and be happy! 100% score for everyone! At least you can't say I'm not generous. I even gave away my cookies to my stockroom friends in a moment of madness. They were so thrilled.


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