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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums
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Onety Zero

Vibius Tiberius Costa


I'm back. I expect nobody knew i was missing but nevermind.


Well I'm at uni and its been approximately two years since i have even touched my book but after battling depression and uni in equal measures I'm ready to get back into the full flow of writing. As ever the blog will be for casual readers who are interested in my goings on, both book related and life.

Meanwhile the usual list of questions will inevitably hit the forum. I might start posting galleries of art i draw and the stuff i get up to too.


Heres a little section of my book i thought I'd post, criticisms and advice muchly appreciated as i don't quite like the way this section reads


A distressed woman of about forty with dishevelled hair was being held up by the arms by a legionary. She flailed and writhed, bawling herself senseless, until finally she broke free and ran at the crowd that had gathered by her villa

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