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All The Fun Of The Fair



Today our jobseekers rehabilitation programme covered bullying. We discussed aggression, perception, and expression. Or at least, some of us did. In truth most of us are so bored of this programme by now we've all lost the will to live. Our ever cheerful resident sex change person tells us she(?) listened to the radio this morning. Surely life cannot get better than that?


In fairness to our advisors they decided to give us a treat today. We were going on an outing, a field trip, a visit to a job fair. For those who don't know what a job fair is, it's a gathering of employers representatives to meet and discuss career opportunities with members of the public. Which includes us jobseekers, funnily enough.


So we were herded toward a succession of taxis and our merry comvoy wound it's way across Swindon to our local swanky hotel, where the small-scale exercise in optimism was taking place in one of their subterranean function rooms. As we all pretty much expected, the number and variety of employer was less than encouraging. What's the point of applying to be a carer when you just don't care any more?


We'd visited all the stalls in the first ten minutes (and I gathered a really nice collection of business cards - My advisor, Miss R, was clearly impressed) and with the prospect of spending another two hours there, we all wandered off to do our own thing. KS and the lads went across to the local bowling alley and managed to find a pool table that was broken and delivered the balls for free (what a happy coincidence) whilst I stayed with a couple of the others accepting cups of tea on charity from the very kind hotel employees, one of whom very kindly made us feel more at home by turning on the lights. We had weighty discussions... Government policy, economy, local history, and Global Warming, followed by the traditional gnashing and grinding of the teeth and to wrap things up in time honoured fashion, a much needed heated argument.


Miss R organised everything. She instructed the taxis where to send these incoherent idle maniacs, and instructed the incoherent idle maniacs which taxis to enter. After our two hours were up, she even managed to round us all up again and we were delivered back to the programme centre where we spent another hour organising a mass escape amongst ourselves.


Ahhh... What a fun day we had.


She's A Babe

KS is not finding it quite so easy to lure Miss L2 into his web of seduction. I've met her, a pleasant and cheery girl who always has a flower in her hair, always smiling, and apparently calls me Mafiaman for some strange reason. Despite that apparent innocence I discovered another side to her when KS showed me some pictures of her on Facebook. To my genuine suprise it turns out that L2 is a teenage model. That's L2? Really? Heck. Has KS bitten off more than he could chew?


Song Of The Week

If you go off to the fair today

You're sure of a big surprise.

If you visit the town job fair

You'd better go in disguise.


For every job that ever there was

Will gather there for certain, because

Today's the day employers have their picnic.


Hmmmm... Fanks for the chocolate.... Yummy.... What? Application form? Sorry, busy... Too many complimentary sweeties...


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